sa platform survey

The Collaborative Exchange

sa platform survey


collateral and infographics

The aim of SA Platform Survey was to provide a mechanism for financial advisors to compare investment platforms on a like for like basis. It allowed financial advisors to access a wide range of information on platforms via one independent source. All of the material contained in this document was been sourced from the companies that elected to participate in the survey.

The challenge of this project was to transform a 104-page text-heavy research document into visually engaging content and graphics, that aligned to the Collaborative Exchange’s brand identity, and appealed to their primary target audience – the financial advisor. Through the use of photography, typography and infographic-inspired elements – data visualisations, graphs and iconography, the report was brought to life, in a distinctive style stood out from others in the market. 


client: collaborative exchange
strategy: hugh
creative director: dominique
photography: brandon hinton photography